Ombré dyed tank

I just love a pack of white t-shirts, there’s so much potential all bundled up in one nice neat little package.


I mean just look at it, 5 blank slates in one pack. I have so many ideas…

First however, I wanted an ombré tank. I’ve seen people wearing them, yet haven’t found one in a store. Strange… Oh well, time to make my own! Now to do something about those t-shirts.







That’s better, now I have a tank to work with.
Now to pick a color. I bought colors that were on clearance at Michael’s since I haven’t really dyed anything before. Well, tie-dyed, but that was when I was a kid and the adults mixed up the dye and really didn’t let you touch it. So what color…

I decided to go with the dark green. I mixed the dye according to the bucket directions that were included and went in search of gloves. Then I came up with a solution for the ‘hold it at a certain level for ____ mins’ problem.

On to the dying. Make sure you soak whatever you’re dying in hot hot water first so that the dye works like it should. The first layer or top of the ombré coloring, I dipped that for maybe 30 seconds, then each additional “layer” or shade (I dunno whatever you want to call it), obviously was kept in the dye longer.



Here is my high tech solution in action. I just used some string I had laying around and looped it over the shower head. If you add one of those springy things with the button on them, it’s even easier. (I know what springy thingy is she talking about?

20130627-150508.jpg These things, and you thought I was crazy!)

Last layer/shade!

Yay! Done! Now for it to dry.


Overall I’m pretty happy with the final result. Not a bad first attempt. However there are some inconsistencies.
20130627-151114.jpg The only thing I can really suggest to avoid these things is to stir frequently while you’re dying. I didn’t so I think that was the problem.

Hope you liked this and it was helpful. More ombré and dyed fashions to come, I’m sure!

Keep crafting!

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